Allende & Brea – Estudio Jurídico

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Launch of the new Argentine Identity Card

On December 1st, 2023, Provision 1255/2023 (the “Provision”) was published in the Official Gazette, through which the Argentine Registry of People (“RENAPER” after its Spanish acronym) implemented a new national identity document (“ID”) with new security measures and a different layout with respect to the previous version.

Through the Provision, RENAPER seeks to implement new functionalities to the ID, among which the following stand out:

  • Electronic Identification: Online identification which implies the possibility of authenticating the holder’s identity through online services.
  • Electronic signature: Legal and valid electronic signatures. This functionality can be used to sign contracts, perform financial transactions and validate other digital documents.
  • Access to online services: Access to government and other online services, allowing users to interact with digital platforms
  • Digital Certification: The new ID incorporates digital certificates that that ensure the authenticity of the document and, therefore, the identity of the holder.
  • Optical functionalities which use QR code cryptography: Signature validation using asymmetric cryptography, which involves the use of key pairs, a private key to sign and a public key to verify the signature. The person or entity making the signature uses their private key, while those wishing to verify the signature may use the corresponding public key.

In addition to the functionalities described above, it should be noted that the DNI includes elements which comply with International Civil Aviation Organization standards. As stated in the Provision, the incorporation of these measures is aimed at increasing the security, efficiency and reliability of travel documents, promoting international mobility and the prevention of identity-related fraud.

The incorporation of the functionalities described above enables greater access by citizens to digital environments, representing a challenge in terms of data protection. In this sense, RENAPER states that the implementation of the DNI is “a step forward in terms of the development of digital identity and personal data protection policies by allowing the progressive use of identity validation mechanisms with less exposure of sensitive data and without the need to resort to online biometrics as the only or main means of validation“.

The Spanish version of the Resolution can be found in the following link:


This report cannot be considered as legal or any other kind of advice by Allende & Brea. For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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