Allende & Brea – Estudio Jurídico

Building Together: A Legal Handbook to Strengthen CSOs with Management Contributions and FADEPOF

We share the result of a collaborative initiative that brought together more than 10 law firms in Argentina, who contributed from their specialized thematic area. From Allende, we joined this effort from the areas of Data Privacy and Intellectual Property, under the direction of Delfina Bruno and the assistance of Milagros Gosio, lawyers of the Intellectual Property department led by Pablo Palazzi.

The objective of this collaboration was to develop a Manual for Civil Society Organizations, with the ambition of becoming a dynamic and useful legal tool.

The manual, entitled “Manual Legal para Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil – Instructivo para Formación y/o Regularización de OSC”, is the result of a joint effort between the firms that are part of the Pro Bono Commission, and the organizations Aportes de Gestión and FADEPOF. The Pro Bono Commission coordinated and facilitated this multi-sectoral collaboration, allowing various firms to contribute their expertise to create a comprehensive and accessible resource.

The virtual presentation of this manual, which marks a milestone in our pro bono participation, was successfully completed on Tuesday, December 12 of this year. This project is yet another demonstration of our commitment not only to legal excellence, but also to making a positive contribution to society and strengthening organizations that seek to serve the community. It was a great way to close the year 2023 full of achievements in our pro bono work.


In order to find the handbook, click here: